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How Do I Love ME; Let Me Count The Ways

I’m sure at some point in life someone has asked you, what you love about yourself. For me, I will tell you I had NO clue how to answer the question when I was in my teens because I was afraid I would say something silly that will make people look at me funny or laugh at me. We all know that stare you get from people that makes you think you don’t measure up. Well Let me STOP YOU…..YOU (yes YOU) are just as measurable and enlightening as the person you are interact with or hang around. So the next time you get asked what you love about yourself, just say I LOVE everything about me, would you like for me to share with you some of those things? Try it and watch how many people become intrigued and listen to what you have to say.

Here are 10 things I LOVE about Me;

1. My smile

2. My forehead

3. My big nose

4. My lips

5. My body frame

6. My voice

7. My goofy sense of humor

8. My personal style

9. My feet

10. My Servitude

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